GT Theme Provided Menus

GT Theme Provided Menus eh94
Drupal Version

The GT Theme, by default, will use your site's "main menu" for your primary menu. The primary menu is the gold-colored horizontal one that sits below the main Georgia Tech logo. This menu will show the top-level links in a horizontal line, with child links appearing as drop-down boxes.

Additional menus provided by the GT Theme that you can modify include:

Social Media Links

Shown in the upper-right corner of every page, this menu includes presets for Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc., plus an RSS feed icon. You can change the location that each icon links to. Be sure to let Institute Communications know if there are other social media outlets you think should be included.

Action Links

This menu appears to the right of your main menu, with a greater-than sign ('>') after each link. To keep things nice and streamlined we've limited the action links to three.

(Super)Footer Links

For the super footer you'll find three separate menus listed as footer links 1-3. If you opt to have a configurable super footer via the theme's appearance settings you'll get a list of default resource links that are hard coded into the the theme (Georgia Tech Resources, and Visitor Resources), and appear as the left column of links in the super footer, but you can customize up to three additional lists.

One thing to note is that the theme includes styling for "nolink" items added via the Special Menu Items module. If you install this module you can add links that serve as headers within a list of resource links to help break them up into different categories. "No link" items would appear like the Visitor Resources header does in the superfooter links on this site. You can also change the name of your resource links menus, which shows up at the top of the list of links.

Footer Utility Links

These links will appear above the standard "legal" links in the footer (Emergency Information, Legal & Privacy Info, etc.) This is ideal for adding a customized "Contact Us" link which can go to your own contact form.