Making Drupal 7 Super Blocks
Making Drupal 7 Super BlocksCategory
Drupal Version
Super Blocks are only available if your site has the Georgia Tech Super Block module installed.
Creating a Super Block
To start making a new Super Block, use the Administrative toolbar (the black bar across the top of your site). Choose Content > Add content > Super Block
After the new Super Block form opens, you can enter your information into the fields described below.
Title and Description
- Example Description 1: "Block - Homepage - Bachelor's Programs"
- Example Description 2: "Block - About Section - Contact Information"
- The Description field is always required.
- Only you and other editors of the site will see the "Description" field; it will be used for the block reference fields on layout pages (such as in the Article or Aside areas on a Multipurpose page.)
- Be concise, but describe each block in a way that is easy for your fellow editors to sort through later (because you will probably have a long list of blocks) .
- Consider using a pattern for naming your blocks that indicates what type of content it is, what parts of your website it will probably appear on, and then the specific content in this block.
- Example Title: "Bachelor's Programs"
- The Title is optional.
- If used, visitors to your site will read the Title as a very short text headline at the top of a Super Block.
- You can use <em>, <strong>, and <br />, tags in the title if needed. Just don't forget to close <em> and <strong> tags! (i.e., <strong>Strong Title</strong>)
The Teaser and Image
Teaser Text
- This field is optional, but can be used to include text or a blurb about the image in your Super Block.
- It can also be used instead of an image, if only want to include text and links in your Super Block.
Primary Image
- The Primary Image is optional, but is the heart of what makes super blocks so fun!
- Image Size Recommendation: 492 by 320 pixels
- Always enter the "Alternative text" so that your images communicate with people using screen readers, too!
Image Placement
- This field is required, but you can ignore it if not uploading an image.
- Here you can select positioning for your image and the default value is "Left".
- If super blocks are in a region with other blocks (such as within the "Articles" section of a Multipurpose page), the image will fill the entire width of the block across the top, and any teaser text you entered will appear below the image.
- But, if a super block appears alone in a region, the image will align with the left or right side of your block and any teaser text you entered will wrap around the sides of your image inside of the block.
The Jump Link
Jump Link Title and URL
- These are optional, but you can enter a link (in the URL box) and it's human-readable label (in the Title box), if necessary.
- The Link Title will show on the completed Super Block as a standard "Highlight Button".
- The Link URL you enter will apply to the Highlight Button, and also to the Title and Primary Image of the Super Block.
Jump Link Location
- This field is required, but you can ignore it if not entering a Jump Link.
- Depending on what options you select, your Highlight Button link will appear either:
- Below the teaser text and image (the default value), or
- As an overlay on top of the image.
The Skin (or Design)
- This field is required, and determines which of the pre-set design treatment is used for this block. The skin options are:
- Standard: uses a gray title and jump link with white text and a gold icon (this is the default value).
- GT Blue: uses a blue title and jump link with white text and gold icon.
- GT Gold: uses a blue title, but the jump link is gold with white text, and a blue icon.