Roles and Responsibilities [Drupal 7]
Roles and Responsibilities [Drupal 7]Roles are used by Drupal to apply a set of permissions to a group of user accounts. Some roles are built into Drupal, and some are automatically created by different Georgia Tech community modules and distributions, such as Drupal Express.
Drupal Provided Roles
Anonymous user
Automatically applies to anyone visiting your site who is not logged in.
Authenticated user
Automatically applies to anyone who is logged in to your site, so be careful about what permissions this role is given.
Roles Provided by Georgia Tech Community Modules
This role can Edit all pages, as well as the menu and blocks on a GT Drupal site. It's not usually assigned automatically, but by one of your site's Administrators.
This role has limited access to the Administrative section of a GT Drupal site and can also do anything Editors can. Should NEVER be assigned automatically.
Super Administrator
This role has full access to the Administrative section of a GT Drupal site. Should NEVER be assigned automatically.