Drupal Core Optimization

Drupal Core Optimization esembrat3
Drupal Version

A number of performance settings are recommended to cache Drupal data objects and speed up your site.

Enable Caching and Aggragation Settings

These settings can be enabled in Drupal 7 via the administrative control panel under Configuration -> Development -> Performance

  • Cache pages for anonymous users
  • Cache blocks
  • Compress cached pages
  • Aggregate and compress CSS files
  • Aggregate JavaScript files
  • Set Minimum cache lifetime = 15 minutes

Disable and Remove Unnecessary Modules

Several key internal functions in Drupal will scan all installed modules, so be sure to not only disable but also uninstall and remove any third-party (contrib) modules that you are not using.  This not only improves your site's speed but also helps to keep it better secured.

Core modules should not be removed, since they'll just reappear the next time you do a core upgrade.  However, consider turning the following off to help speed up your site:

  • Statistics - You can offload this computation to Google Analytics
  • Syslog - We recommend using dblog instead.
  • Tracker - This can generate a lot of data, so turn it off unless you have a real need for knowing what individual users are doing.
  • Overlay - A potentially useful module, but can generate noticeable frontend lag.

Additional Optimization Techniques