Upgrading to Drupal 10 from Drupal 9
Upgrading to Drupal 10 from Drupal 9The following information is currently targeted to those site admins who have a site built on a custom theme implementation or have written custom modules for Drupal 9.
If you are using the standard Drupal 9 Drupal Express provided by Institute Communications, you should wait until they release a new version of the Georgia Tech theme package before trying to upgrade to Drupal 10.
A list of things to be watchful for when upgrading to Drupal 10 (to be expanded in the near future):
There's a new 2.x version CAS module and 2.x version External Auth module that must be installed before upgrading.
For that matter, use the Available Updates report to scrutinize all of your modules, even the ones that show up in green. A module with a major version update can still render in green if you have the last release of the previous major version.
If you are running a Composer manged site, install the Upgrade Status module to check your site for upgrade issues that need to be corrected.
If you have your own custom modules, you'll need to go through all of them and check for Drupal 10 compatibility issues:
drupal_get_path() and drupal_get_filename() are removed from Drupal 10
\Drupal::entityQuery now requires an accessCheck() parameter to work
The themes Seven, Classy and Stable have been removed from Drupal 10 and need to be disabled before upgrading, unless you plan to use the contrib versions, in which case you must install those versions before upgrading.
The administration theme of choice is now 'Claro' - you should switch to Claro and uninstall Seven before trying to do an upgrade to Drupal 10.
NOTE: If a theme you are using has enabled Classy or Stable, you must use a hack to disable them, as they are hidden in the admin GUI by default. See Drupal Issue #3328016 for more details.
Short summary: If a theme uses another theme as a base theme, the other theme gets enabled at install time. However, Classy and Stable are hidden themes, so they don't show up in the admin GUI, thus you can't uninstall them through the GUI. Unfortunately, Drupal 10's update.php script expects them to be uninstalled. The hack involves modifying both theme's
files to unhide them, allowing you to uninstall them. Take note that even after unhiding a theme, you still won't be able to uninstall it if an active theme refers to it as a base theme. Deal with those active themes first (uninstall them or update them to not rely on Classy or Stable), then flush caches and you should be able to uninstall Classy and Stable after unhiding them.
If you are using a theme based on Classy, you have two choices: install the contrib version of Classy, or merge everything from Classy into your theme. Do note that Classy uses Stable as a base, and Stable has also been removed from Drupal 10, replaced with Stable9. Stable9 does exist in Drupal 9.5.0, so you can port your theme over while still running under Drupal 9. However, you'll have to use the hack in the previous bullet point to enable Stable9 before you can get another theme to use it as a base theme. This is because Stable9 is also hidden, like Stable and Classy
Last but certainly not least, update the core_version_requirement setting in each custom theme and module's
file to include ^10
Deprecated Modules: The following need to be fully uninstalled before upgrading, unless you are choosing to use the new contrib versions, in which case you need to install the corresponding contrib version before upgrading:
- CKEditor 4 (if you're removing it, don't forget to remove all CKEditor 4 add-on modules as well)
- Color
- Quickedit
- Aggregator
- Hal