Drupal 10

Getting Started with DDEV

Step 1. https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Install (OSX):  


Docker or Colima

Install DDEV

First Project:

user@users-MBP Sites % mkdir gt_test
user@users-MBP Sites % cd gt_test
user@users-MBP gt_test % ddev config
Creating a new ddev project config in the current directory (/Users/user/Sites/gt_test) 
Once completed, your configuration will be written to /Users/user/Sites/gt_test/.ddev/config.yaml

Project name (gt_test): gt

Creating a Private Filesystem on OIT Web Hosting

Setting up a private filesystem requires some under-the-hood configuration, so the following is recommended only for someone who already understands filesystems and editing configuration files.

These instructions are tailored for the OIT Web Hosting Plesk servers, but can be adapted to other configurations. Instructions are based on using the Plesk GUI, but you can also accomplish all of the Plesk related steps from an SSH connection if you are more comfortable in a command line environment.

Upgrading to Drupal 10 from Drupal 9

The following information is currently targeted to those site admins who have a site built on a custom theme implementation or have written custom modules for Drupal 9.

If you are using the standard Drupal 9 Drupal Express provided by Institute Communications, you should wait until they release a new version of the Georgia Tech theme package before trying to upgrade to Drupal 10.

A list of things to be watchful for when upgrading to Drupal 10 (to be expanded in the near future):

Adding a Page [Drupal 10]

Process for Adding a Page

  1. After logging in to your website, you will see a black menu bar across the top (if you do not see a black menu bar, contact your site administrator for assistance).
  2. Select the Content menu, then Add content. You will see a list of different types of content that you can add. If your site is using the official Georgia Tech theme, then you should choose Basic page unless you know you want to add a special type of content.

Whitelisting Tags in Module Output

Here's how to whitelist HTML tags in your module output that are normally stripped out by the XSS filter:

    $tagList = array('input');
    return array(
      '#markup' => $buffer,
      '#allowed_tags' => array_merge(\Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss::getAdminTagList(), $tagList),

And here's how to allow data URLs in your module output for displaying images with data that you've already pulled in from a data source (code updated 2017-12-11 to a better format that avoids whitescreening in certain use cases):

MySQL Restrictions in Drupal 8 and Later

Drupal 7 began forcing mySQL to act like a traditional SQL server so that all SQL code used in Drupal will be highly compatible with other database systems like PostgreSQL or SQLite. This means that mySQL statements that syntactically work in other contexts may produce errors under Drupal 7 or 9. Drupal 8+ adds the 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY' restriction, which can potentially cause custom mySQL code that worked in Drupal 7 to fail with errors in Drupal 8+.

Here's the exact settings being used in Drupal 8: