Agendas for meetings after 2019 can be found on the current Meeting Agendas page.
Notes for meetings prior to 2015 can be found on the Monthly Meeting Notes page.
2019 Meetings
(Combined November/December Meeting)
Location: Klaus 1212
- Updates, introductions
- Placeholder for GT Theme updates - Brad Waye
- 2020 GTDUG changes - Adelle Frank, Community
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- Updates, introductions
- GT Theme Update - Brad Waye
- Getting started with gt_installer - Tim Whelan
- Showcase: Node Repair (finding unwanted tags and acronyms) - Kevin Pittman
Meeting Cancelled
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- OIT WebHosting PHP 7.2 Upgrades
Open Floor/Demos
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- Introduction to Composer - Fletcher Moore
Open Floor/Demos
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- Institute Communications web update (gt_installer) - Fletcher Moore
- Drupal 8: Twig templates + User Imports - Tim Whelan
Open Floor/Demos
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- Institute Communications web update – Darin Givens
- Lando, Drupal 8 – Eric Sembrat
- Open Floor/Demos
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- Drupal 8 Library website (development) - Christopher J. Helms
- Open Floor/Demos
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- Drupal Site Demo: Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation request tracking - John Toles
- Website Monitoring/Management System Demo - Kevin Pittman
- Developers Subgroup / Community Outreach - Kevin Pittman
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- Library D8 Redesign - Heather Jeffcoat
- Contributions, Github Enterprise, and You! - Eric Sembrat
- FYI Georgia Tech @ - Eric Sembrat
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
- Officer elections
- Latest Security patches
Georgia Tech, Drupal 8, and You page
2018 Meetings
Cancelled, due to winter break week.
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
Social discussion of Drupal and other IT topics.
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109)
Meeting Video for October 23, 2018 (Available to the Georgia Tech community only)
Discussion of the effects of the PHP 7.1 upgrade planned for OIT Web Hosting
Location: Bradley Conference Room (109) [Room was renumbered]
- Responsive Design Woes and Fixes - Michael Sheldon
- COE Podcast Website - Eric Sembrat
- Using Mailchimp with your Websites - Tim Whelan
Location: Bradley Conference Room (012)
Meeting Video for August 28, 2018 (Available to the Georgia Tech community only)
- Drupal 8 Mercury Module: Fletch Moore
Location: Bradley Conference Room (012)
- Drupal 8 Distribution and Components: Kevin Pittman
- Caring Coin Primer and Awarding: Eric Sembrat
- Plesk Upgrade and You!: Bryan Williams
Location: Bradley Conference Room (012)
- GT Theme Update – Darin: 15 mins
- Intro to Drush and Github – Eric Sembrat: 15 mins
- Debrief on CSS Workshop and Global Accessibility Day Workshop: 15 mins
- EU GDPR Discussion – Group: 15 mins
Location: Bradley Conference Room (012)
Lightning Talks
Cancelled, due to USG Web Tech Day and OIT IT Symposium
Location: Bradley Conference Room (012)
- Discussion – Drupal Security Updates & You!
- Kevin Pittman and Webforms for Drupal 8
- DrupalCon Nashville planning – folks not attending, bring your topics you want to hear about. Attendees – bring yourselves and your goals for session viewing!
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
- IC Representatives: Institute Communications GT Theme Redesign Update
- Alfred Bacon: Visual Regression Testing Intro
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
- Elections / Organizational Structure
- Open discussion of topics for the year
2017 Meetings
Cancelled, due to winter break week.
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
Drupal 8, campus themes, and GTDUG organization for 2018 and beyond.
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
Jennifer Tomasino – Institute Communciations – will be going over SEO for top-level web and how Institute Communication is experimenting with content strategy and organization.
- Kevin Pittman – Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts – Drupal 7 to 8 Migration is a "flipped" presentation, where instead of a slide set, all of the notes are already online, and I'll be doing a live demonstration for the presentation. If you want to be prepared and/or follow along, you can find the notes at the following URL:
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
OIT A11y Tools (Kim K.)
Location: College of Design (East) Room 223
- Google AMP and Drupal (Jimmy K.)
- Google CSE Issues/Concerns/Checks (Eric S and group)
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
- Drupal Security and You – Recent Webform Woes (Adam A.)
- Search using Google Search Engine (Group)
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
- Announcements
- Conference summaries and feedback - Eric Sembrat and others
- Update on Drupal 8 migration of the site and showcase of upgraded Georgia Tech Resources for Webmasters site - Kevin Pittman
- Lessons from DrupalCon Baltimore - Eric Sembrat and others
- Carousel Woes / Working with Accessibility - Group discussion
- Slack 101 - Communicating with Drupal community off campus - Eric Sembrat
Cancelled Due to DrupalCon.
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
- Annoucnements
- Informal Discussion of DrupalCon and USG Web Tech Day
- Ideas for Future 2017 Meetings
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
- Announcements
- Mercury Reader vs. Feeds Importer - Eric Sembrat
- Drupal 8 Migrations - What the Ivan Allen College is doing, plus status of possible Drupal 8 versions of Georgia Tech specific tools (GT Theme, etc.) - Kevin Pittman
- The Importance of Updated Modules - Sam Frank
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
- Announcements
- Leadership Elections
2016 Meetings
Special Combined November / December Meeting
Location: College of Design (East) Room 214
- Announcements
- Guest Speaker: Kendra Skeene of GeorgiaGov
- Benefits of centralized platform
- Case study on accessibility initiative
- Update on Web Governance Committee / Web Advisory Committee - Kim Kruthaup
- Upcoming GT Druapl Leadership Election - Jimmy Kriigel and Eric Korotkin
Cancelled, due to IT Conferences
Location: College of Design (East) Room 217
- Announcements
- Demo if upcoming Annual Report website built with Drupal and JQuery - Eric Sembrat
- Demo of Drupal Taxonomy Access Control - Christina Tabor
- Update on upcoming changes to Web Governance Committee - Adelle Frank
- Mercury Updates - Adelle Frank
Location: College of Design (East) Room 217
- Announcements
- Two Factor Authentication - Jimmy Kriigel
- Overview of SEO Task Force - Eric Sembrat
- RFP Contracts on campus - Eric Sembrat
- Accessible Manual Slide Show - Kevin Pittman
- Mercury Content Freeze - Adelle Frank
Location: College of Design (East) Room 217
- ECE Editor Demo - Rachel Ponder
- Migrating a Non-Georgia Tech Site to Drupal 8 - Kevin Pittman
- Drupal 8 Development Issues and College of Engineering Drupal 8 Plans - Eric Sembrat
Location: Engineered Biosystems Building Room 3029
- Announcements
- DrupalCon Updates
- Acquia Updates
- Friday Help Desks
Location: College of Design (East) Room 217
- Announcements
- Adelle Frank (10 minutes) - Issues with upgrading to 2.6 version of theme
- Bruce Hilicus (10 minutes) - Demo of his solution to the “check-in with RFID reader” issue he had
- Eric Sembrat (10 minutes) - Libsass/grunt discussion
- DrupalCon (20 minutes at the end?) - Collaboration and session selection
- Announcements
- Jimmy Kriigel - Content Delivery Networks and Drupal
- Kevin Pittman - Website Updates
Note: Meetings now on fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month.
- Announcements
- Eric Sembrat - IT Accessibility Policy
- Eric Sembrat - Project Management site update
- Kevin Pittman - Paragraphs module and how IAC has used it for content layouts
- Open Discussion: How to organize pages in handbooks (editor vs. developer vs. DX vs. general)
- Announcements
- Jimmy Kriigel - Drupal + SSL, pros and cons
- Open Discussion: Date and time of Monthly meetings and Helpdesk
- Agreed to move meetings to 4th Tuesday of each month at 1 PM (swapped with 2nd Helpdesk time)
- Vote on New Leadership Committee
2015 Meetings
Cancelled - Leadership elections to be held in January
Location: Wilby Room, Price Gilbert Memorial Library
- Announcements
- Celebrate Release of Drupal 8!!!!!
- EHS Case Study - Christina Tabor
- Technique Used for Recommendations Secondary Forms for EntityForms - Eric Sembrat
- Drupal 8 Discussion - Will Rusk
- Drupal 8 Port Plans - Adelle Frank
Cancelled due to DrupalCamp Atlanta
Location: Highland Bakery Bradley Conference Room
- Announcements
- Feedback and discussion of GT Theme and Drupal Express (and GT Editor) - Adelle Frank
Location: Highland Bakery Bradley Conference Room
- Announcements
- Demo of work-around to jump to the referring parent entity of a child entity when using Rules with Entity Reference - Eric Sembrat
- Using Feeds XPath Parser to migrate simple pages from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7
Location: Highland Bakery Bradley Conference Room
- Announcements
- Demo of tool to track and organize orders for captioning videos through AMAC - Eric Sembrat
- Update on OIT Web Hosting service and recent issues - Doug Curtis
- Multi-site discussion (pros/cons, gotchas, who's doing it, etc.) - Adelle Frank
Location: Highland Bakery Bradley Conference Room
- Announcements
- Update on the status of Drupal Express - Adelle Frank
- Customizing the Mercury (Hg) Reader module - Jimmy Kriigel
- Demo of new custom module that brings Mercury (Hg) Reader functionality to the GT Carousel - Will Rusk
Cancelled due to DrupalCon Los Angeles
Location: Highland Bakery Bradley Conference Room
- Announcements
- Mercury (Hg) Reader versus GT Calendar versus other options for displaying Mercury news and event items - Mike Alberghini
- Open Discussion
Location: Highland Bakery Bradley Conference Room
- Announcements
- GT Scholar Testing - Eric Sembrat
- Introduction to the Panels Module - Eric Sembrat
- Panels Module Examples - Jimmy Kriigel
Location: Highland Bakery Bradley Conference Room
- Announcements
- Introduction to Views - Adelle Frank
- Advanced Views Building 1 - Mike Alberghni (field rewriting, contextual filters, exposed filters, attachments)
- Advanced Views Building 2 - Eric Sembrat (relationships explained)
- CSS for Views - David Williams
- Advanced Views Theming - Eric Huffman
Location: Highland Bakery Bradley Conference Room
- Announcements
- Voting for our first official leadership committee structure