Drupal 10

Lando and Mercury Reader

Mercury Reader requires an extra php extension outside of what lando's drupal10 recipe typically provides.


Adjust your lando.yml Landofile to include the following:

      - apt-get update -y
      - apt-get install libxslt1-dev -y
      - docker-php-ext-install xsl
      - docker-php-ext-enable xsl

Rebuild your lando environment to install the libraries:

lando rebuild -y


How to Use Lando as a Drupal Development Environment

What is Lando? From the Lando documentation:

It's a free, open source, cross-platform, local development environment and DevOps tool built on Docker container technology and developed by Tandem. Designed to work with most major languages, frameworks and services, Lando provides an easy way for developers of all skill levels to specify simple or complex requirements for their projects, and then quickly get to work on them.