Version Agnostic Migration Resources

Version Agnostic Migration Resources afrank30
Drupal Version

Downloading a Site Backup File From OIT Web Hosting

Downloading a Site Backup File From OIT Web Hosting afrank30
Drupal Version

Download an OIT Web Hosting Backup File

Log into your Web Hosting account's Plesk Control Panel and select the Backup Manager option on the right-hand side of the main page.

On the Backup Manager page, you will see all of your existing site backups.  If you have not configured automatic backups and have never run a manual backup, then you won't have anything to download.  In this case, you can select the Back Up option and follow the prompt to initial a backup of your site.  Do note that this is done in the background and may take a while on bigger sites, so start it before you go to lunch, and hopefully it will be done by the time you get back to your office.

Locate the backup that you want to down load and select the green down arrow icon on the far right of the backup's entry (see screenshot below).

Your backup will download to your computer, and have a name similar to this: 


Uncompress a Downloaded Backup File

You will need a special program to unarchive a backup file, as backups are provided in the TAR format.

  • On a Macintosh, you may be able to double-click the file and get Mac OS X to unpack it for you - your mileage may vary depending on your version of Mac OS X and how large the backup file is.  You can always go to the command line and unpack the file as well (see the Linux option below for instructions)
    • If you prefer to not use the command line and Mac OS X is giving you trouble, you can try the open-source Unarchiver App
  • On Linux or FreeBSD (or Mac OS X), you can unarchive the backup file from the command line like so:
    • tar -xf backup_mysite.gatech.edu_info_1503101033.xml.tar
  • On Windows, you'll need a utility app that can unarchive a TAR file, such as 7-zip.

What is In a Backup Archive File?

Once you uncompress your backup file, you will have a directory with the same name as your file, but without the ".xml.tar" at the end.  Inside this directory, there are two files you will be working with:

  • The SQL backup of your site's database
  • The file system of your Drupal site

File System

The files for your site will be within a compressed file that has "user-data" in its name, like this:


Uncompress this file into a folder of the same name (without .tgz on the end), then look inside it for a folder named "httpdocs", like this:


This folder is where your Drupal site files live.  You can review them, copy them to a development web server on your local computer, or archive just that section of the file system in order to transport them to another computer.

Change settings.php Immediately

If you are going to try to use this backup to create a development copy of your live website, immediately change the database connection information so that you don't accidentally connect to your live site.  Look for your Drupal settings file at:  



The SQL for your database will be under a folder called "databases" and then another folder with the same name as your database, like this:


Rename Your Database in SQL

First, uncompress this file.

If you want to edit the SQL, you should use a very basic text editor (such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on mac) because it is a LARGE file and may overwhelm fancier programs.

The main recommended edit is to remove the actual name of the database from the line near the top. This prevents conflicts when importing your SQL into an empty database with a different name.

Redirection and Checking for Broken Links

Redirection and Checking for Broken Links esembrat3
Drupal Version

A Redirect module is available for Drupal to help manage link redirects and locate problem areas on your site post-migration.


To install, follow the directions below:

  1. Download the Redirect module
  2. Upload the module to your /sites/all/modules/ folder, or use the Upload New Module administration page.
  3. Install and enable the module.


The interface for the Redirect can be found under Configuration -> Search and Metadata -> URL redirects, or by navigating to /admin/config/search/redirect.

On the overview page, a listing of your existing redirects are in place. Drupal tracks each redirect, their status, the type of redirect, and how often they're accessed. 

Finding and Fixing Dead Links

You can also use the Fix 404 Pages, located at /admin/config/search/redirect/404 or as a sub-tab off of the URL Redirects page. 

This page allows you to identify currently-broken links on your site and a quick way to create a redirect. 

Leverage your local web developer (or contact the Georgia Tech Drupal mailing list) to see if a page or link needs to be redirected.

In the example above, wp-admin.php is a WordPress (another content management system) login page and is routinely used by bots and hackers to attempt to infiltrate your website. Because we're running Drupal, we can ignore most all of those pages. 

To add a redirect to one of these 404'd pages, select the Add Redirect link to the right.

Redirect Options

When creating a redirect, the form should look similar to below.

All that is needed to complete a redirect is completing the To, or where the page needs to go when redirected.

Under Advanced Options, the redirect status can help search engines and browsers interpret the link. The Redirect module provides some short description by each one to give an idea of what each does.

Unless otherwise noted, 301 Moved Permanently or Default (301) should always be used.

If you think you have a use case for any of the other redirect types, please contact a web developer on-campus. Improper usage of the redirect type may hurt access to your redirected page by search engines.