Topics covered: Using Views and Rules modules, general Drupal security ideas, upcoming Drupal-related events on and near campus.
Topics Covered
- Insider tips on using the Views & Rules modules (Adelle Frank)
- Security ideas for how we use/protect our Drupal sites
- Other Topics
Views is commonly used for:
- Photo Galleries
- Slide Shows
- Directory
- Digital Signage/RSS
- Projects
- Calendars
- Block Content Generation
- FAQ's
- News & Events
Rules are commonly used for:
- Email Notifications
- Content Creation
- Workflow Customizations
- BPM Manipulations
- Content Redirection
- Login Redirection
- Email Scheduling
Other points:
- Date Field - Bad for Views
- Aggregation/Group by
- Database Optimization
- Views Caching/Exposed Filters
- Group Fields in Exposed Filters
- Global - Combine Exposed Filters
- Drupal EDU meetup (sponsored by Acquia) happening afternoon of Tuesday, Aug. 27 at SCAD Atlanta (
- DrupalCamp Atlanta is getting closer (Sat, Oct. 19:
- RockEagle/USG IT conference Wed-Fri, October 23-25 (
- There may be an unofficial campus workshop (sometime in September) about using content types and views to organize and style your web stuff.
- Seeking volunteer note-takers (to rotate) for our monthly meetings.