Meeting notes: September 20, 2013

Topics covered: Updates on the new GT Theme, plans for additional meetings to build stuff together, reminder about cheap DrupalCamp Atlanta mini-conference next month.

Topics Covered

  1. Updates on the new GT Theme (Eric Huffman)
  2. Reminders about next month's DrupalCamp Atlanta (only $35! See:
  3. Other discussion ideas/questions we have...


  • Eric Huffman (Communications) will be arranging a block of time at the Wardlaw building in the next month or so (maybe during next month's meeting) for us to meet and play with the next version of the theme, and share other stuff we're working on.
  • Mike Alberghini (Architecture) will arrange a block of time in the next 1-2 months in the Architecture building for us to meet and test migrate sites and content from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.
  • Eric Huffman will work on setting up a public github repo for us to share our GT theme, install script/profile, and other


Add your notes here!