Drupal Express (DX) will be removing a few features, in order to be easier to maintain and to remove non-essential or non-accessible components. Read the DX Roadmap for details.
Georgia Tech Drupal News
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Due to construction in Tech Tower, we will not be able to use the conference room in Highland bakery for the months of October and November. Unfortunately, we were not able to acquire a single location for all meetings that is also centrally located on campus.
GTDUG leadership will send out reminders before each meeting with specific location information.
The impacted Help Desk and Monthly Meetings are:
- 10/14 - Help Desk - Student Success Center - President Suite C
- 10/16 - Monthly Meeting (Cancel due to DrupalCampATL)
- 10/27 - Help Desk - Student Success Center - Press Room B
- 11/11 - Help Desk - Still looking for location
- 11/20 - Monthly Meeting - Wilby Room (still awaiting final confirmation)
- 11/24 - Help Desk - Wilby Room (still awaiting final confirmation)