
CK Editor / GT Editor Toolbar Control Buttons

Many campus Drupal websites have either the What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) text editor called CKEditor, or the custom built specialized version of CKEditor known as "GT Editor".

The table below describes many of the control buttons you will find on the CKEditor or GT Editor toolbar.  If your control buttons don't look like these, you should ask your site administrator or local web developer to look into upgrading your site to the latest version of CKEditor.

Unhiding the CKEditor Text Format Selector [Drupal 7]

CKEditor normally shows a Text format drop-down selector just below the editing window, but the GT Editor hides this selector to streamline the editing experience.  However, there can be cases where you want to use other Drupal text formats for special cases (e.g. embedding a Twitter or Facebook feed).

The GT Subtheme has CSS code that hides the drop-down, which you can find at sites/all/themes/gt_subtheme/css/gt_subtheme.css.  The lines that hide the text format dropdown box are: