installing Drupal

How to Use the Drupal Express Shell Script on your computer with Acquia Dev Desktop

Aquia Dev Desktop is being phased out and will no longer be supported after June of 2021. The following instructions are left here until then to assist those already using the product, but there is no point in installing Dev Desktop at this point. Instead, take a look at Lando to see if it will work for your needs.

File or Directory Permissions Errors

General Permissions Errors

Note:  If you are running in a shared hosting environment, like OIT Web Hosting, then you are not likely to get many if any general permission errors, as each website runs under its own hosting account in these environments.  Thus, it is nearly impossible to mess up file and directory ownership in these environments.  However, it is worth checking the file and directory permissions, as they are often changeable, and if the owner-write permission is removed from a file or directory then the web server will not be able t

How to Install Acquia Dev Desktop as a Local Development Environment

Aquia Dev Desktop is being phased out and will no longer be supported after June of 2021.  The following instructions are left here until then to assist those already using the product, but there is no point in installing Dev Desktop at this point.  Instead, take a look at Lando to see if it will work for your needs.

With the Acquia Dev Desktop (ADD) tool, you can easily and quickly set up a local development environment for Drupal on your computer.

Best Practices for Configuring and Managing Drupal

Before you take a Georgia Tech Drupal site live, it is a good idea to go through the following checklist of best practices to make sure your site is secure and streamlined for production use. This checklist is designed for Drupal 7 sites on OIT's Web Hosting, but will generally apply to other environments and later versions of Drupal as well.

Within the Drupal Application

Helpful Tip: The admin interface can be accessed via the black admin toolbar at the top of any page when logged in with administrator rights.

Installing Drupal on Your Own Computer


A development copy of Drupal on your local computer lets you design and build a site with a few fewer hassles.  It is an excellent place to do testing and code development, but does not support collaboration very well.  For collaborating with stakeholders, you may want to have both a development site on your local computer and a test site on a regular internet connected web hosting solution (e.g. OIT Web Hosting or a departmentally run server).