Version Agnostic

Code Snippets

This section is for sharing sample code that does useful things for site administrators and developers.  Please do not add anything directly to this page, but rather create a sub page for each individual snippet.

GitHub at Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech staff, students, and faculty can now use a Georgia Tech instance of GitHub, a version/revision control system.  This service is available thanks to the College of Engineering's brilliant proof of concept with GitHub Enterprise, and the ensuing excited buy-in from the Office of Information Technology.

Make Your Pages Readable for People Who Are Blind

TWO simple things you can do, which make your web pages easier to use for people who are losing their eyesight or are blind.

Eyes vs. Software

People who cannot see your actual page often use software called screen readers, which reads that page read aloud. This software reads pages differently than one might visually. But TWO simple changes in the way we edit web pages can make that difference easier to manage.

Restricting a Website to On-Campus Access Only

You can restrict your site so that only people who are on-campus (or using the VPN) can access it. This is a great idea for internal-use-only sites and also for all of your development/test websites if you are not using a local stack.

Using .htaccess Configuration

Here's the code to put into the .htaccess file in the root directory of your site (on OIT Web Hosting, this goes under httpdocs or httpsdocs usually):