Configure CAS (Drupal 10)

The following settings should be adequate for most Georgia Tech developers using Drupal version 10.

The CAS configuration page can be found on the black administration toolbar under Configuration -> People -> CAS

Alternatively, you can access the configuration page by adding "/admin/config/people/cas" to the end of your site's front page URL.

CAS Logout Error

Courtesy of Doug Curtis in OIT:

People are receiving a 500 error when using the "GT Logout" link on a Drupal page.  It looks like the problem is that the Drupal CAS module is appending the "service=" query string to the end of the CAS logout URL.  The GT CAS server will accept "url=" query string but it doesn't accept the "service=" query string.  Previously, the CAS service would quietly ignore appended query strings it didn't recognize but that isn't currently the case.

Updating the CAS Library to the Latest Version [Drupal 7]

While the phpCAS library is pretty stable, its maintainers do still release updates periodically, and every now and then one of those updates is to fix a security issue. Below are step-by-step instructions for how to update your phpCAS library to the most current, secure version.

For this example, we will update from version 1.3.2 to version 1.3.3, but the same steps should apply to updating between any versions of the phpCAS library (which allows logins with GTaccounts to our drupal sites).

Redirecting Users to the Campus CAS Logout Page

Drupal and CAS utilize different logout functions. Sending the user to /logout will log the user out of your site only and just return the user to the front/home page.

Sending the user to /caslogout will log the user out of your site and redirect the user to the logout page for CAS.

One way to send users to the CAS logout page without hunting down and changing every script that calls logout is to set up /logout as an alias for /caslogout.

Configure CAS (Drupal 7)

The following settings should be adequate for most Georgia Tech developers using Drupal version 7.

The CAS configuration page can be found on the black administration toolbar under Configuration -> People -> CAS Settings

Alternatively, you can access the configuration page by adding "/admin/config/people/cas" to the end of your site's front page URL.