Drupal 7

Making Sure Access Logs Are Tamed

It looks like there's a bug in Drupal 7 where, if you ever turn on and activate the Statistics module (enabling the logging of accesses to the database), and then decide to turn off the Statistics module, Drupal keeps on logging to the table that it creates (accesslog), and cron never clears anything out of that table, so it can just keep growing indefinitely.  On a busy site, this can result in multiple millions of entries in that table.

Here's what you can do to check for this condition:

Adjusting the 'From' Address in Webform Generated Emails [Drupal 7]

A bug exists in Webform 3.x that can prevent you from changing the "From" address in an automated email template.  There is an existing Drupal.org discussion about this issue: https://www.drupal.org/node/1804214#comment-9661515

Drupal 7 Fix

  1. Visit Configuration -> Content -> Webform (admin/config/content/webform).
  2. Uncheck the Use Reply-To header option
  3. Save your changes.

How to Use the Drupal Express Shell Script on your computer with Acquia Dev Desktop

Aquia Dev Desktop is being phased out and will no longer be supported after June of 2021. The following instructions are left here until then to assist those already using the product, but there is no point in installing Dev Desktop at this point. Instead, take a look at Lando to see if it will work for your needs.