Georgia Tech Drupal News

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For those who are not aware, there was a highly vulnerable Drupal security update released on October 15, 2014. Those running Drupal on campus should follow upgrade procedures as soon as possible.

One important caveat for this particular vulnerability is, as Doug Curtis of OIT Webhosting states:

  • Sites in OIT's web hosting are behind a web application firewall (WAF) that blocks SQL injections. While this is a good stop gap measure, you should still upgrade your Drupal install to the latest. This gives you some time to do the upgrade without having to rush things. 

Pre-existing security measures put into place by OIT's Webhosting team block this type of vulnerability.

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Topics covered: Announcements; other stuff (agenda needs added).


Notes go here.

Ideas discussed

If you have any code snippets or notes from this meeting, please add them freely! :)