Georgia Tech Drupal News

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Topics covered: the GT Web RFP process; upcoming conferences; lots of Q&A and hands on Drupalling


  1. Announcements on Upcoming Conferences
  2. Announcements on GT Web RFP Process
  3. Workshop Meeting - Bring your questions, expertise, or advice!

Sadly, we were not able to record this meeting.

Ideas discussed

If you have any code snippets or notes from this meeting, please add them freely! :)

  • Great brainstorming idea (by a brilliant person, but I've forgotten who) about finding a way for the GT Theme to let editors know they are off-campus & should be using VPN.
  • Interest in a Build Day on GT Theming
  • other neat stuff...
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Topics covered: mobile CSS/SASS; the basics of how to write a module; help desk meeting proposal; GT Theme/Tools updates.


  1. Proposal for 'Live Help Desk' meetings on alternating months during this usual timeframe
  2. Media Queries - Mobilize Your CSS/Sass (Eric Sembrat)
  3. Writing Modules - The Basics (Fletcher Moore)
  4. GT Theme and GT Tools Update, Q&A

Sadly, we were not able to record this meeting.

Detailed notes

If you have any code snippets or notes from this meeting, please add them freely! :)