Georgia Tech Drupal News

Posted On:

Topics covered: Announcements (DrupalCamp Atlanta, D8, DrupalCon & Rock Eagle); Theme infrastructure; Debugging Drupal; Web Security; Git @ GT; and archiving our recorded WebEx meetings.


Slideshow of our agenda.


  • DrupalCamp Atlanta (October 3rd - 4th 2014):
    • Friday, 3rd - Business Summit (unless we advocate for an Education Summit?)
    • Saturday, 4th - Main Sessions (@ Kennesaw State University)
    • Hosted by the Atlanta Drupal Users Group (ADUG) leadership. Have an opinion about DCAtl? Be part of the DrupalCamp Atlanta volunteer group from GT, or find someone who is!
  • Drupal 8 Timeline
    • No release timeframe announced at DrupalCon.
    • Currently dependent around beta-blockers and critical issues to be resolved.
    • Expect a beta release sometime in the fall (possibly around the ever-popular BadCamp conference in San Francisco (November 6-9).
  • DrupalCon Reflections (quick)
  • USG Rock Eagle conference (October 22-24, 2014): Video overview of Rock Eagle.

Theme Infrastructure (Eric Huffman, Institute Communications)

Notes go here.

Debugging Drupal with the Devel module (Fletcher Moore, Institute Communications)

Notes go here.

Web Security (Adam Arrowwood, Office of Information Technology)

Notes go here.

Ideas discussed

If you have any code snippets or notes from this meeting, please add them freely! :)

Git @ GT

Working group needed to figure out HOW to get GIT working for our group (email Adelle, if you're interested in helping figure this out).

Archiving WebEx Recordings

We REALLY need to figure out a system to archive the webex recordings of our meetings (maybe on DMI or our YouTube Channel)?

Posted On:

Topics covered: DrupalCon Austin (& coordinating GT attendees); Webform (version 4).


  1. Announcements
  2. Discussions on DrupalCon Austin
  3. Webform 7.x-4.0 Demo (Eric Sembrat)
  4. Other topics

Ideas discussed

If you have any code snippets or notes from this meeting, please add them freely! :)

[Your notes here.]