Drupal 7

Drupal 7 Express Module Status

Note: "Abandoned" does not necessarily mean that the module has been completely abandoned - it just means that the Drupal 7 version appears to be abandoned.  There could be a Drupal 9 version of the module that is being actively developed and supported.  See our Drupal 7 Express migration guide for the Drupal 9 status of all of these modules.

Summary of Status of Known Drupal 7 Express Contrib Modules as of March 2, 2022

Drupal Module Status Chart

The following table, initially provided by the College of Computing (many thanks!) attempts to summarize the details of a large number of commonly used Drupal 7 modules and any known issues with their latest full (not development) version under PHP 7. In addition, Kevin Pittman of the College of Liberal Arts has added Drupal 9 compatibility details and removal recommendations, to help site administrators decide what to do as they review the modules installed their Drupal 7 sites.